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Written by Prathiksha Sachin on December 13, 2019 Share on

Seychelles Travel—Famous Islands, Things to Do and More!

“Here, I create something marvellous,” said God and he created Seychelles. An archipelago so small that the map has to be zoomed in to find it in the Indian ocean. An archipelago which is existential proof that size doesn’t matter if you have a lot to offer. Seychelles (pronounced say-SHELL), or the Garden of Eden, as it is also called, is considered the most beautiful group of islands to ever exist. Limiting this to just “15 places to visit in Seychelles” was extremely difficult since the whole island is as beautiful as the mythological Garden of Eden.

About Seychelles

With over 850 species of fish and over a hundred kinds shells, the island proves as a home to a number of giant tortoises as well. Though humans discovered this island in the early 1600’s, they have been careful and preserved the natural beauty ever since. The island is diverse and fantastic and has people of Indian, African, Portuguese and Arab descent and also has its own pirates and castaways. Most of the people on the islands speak English, but Creole and other south Indian languages can be heard occasionally. Possibly one of the easiest places to relax, Seychelles also offers deep-sea diving and hiking.

Best time to visit Seychelles

Visit between July and October since Seychelles offers the best outdoor conditions during this period. The weather is ideal for activities such as beach hopping and water sports, all with relatively fewer crowds. That being said, here are the best places to visit in Seychelles.

12 best places to visit in Seychelles

1. Victoria:

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The smallest capital in the world, Victoria mixes up the buzz of a capital city and the laid-back nature of a place to kick-back and relax in. The city is so small, that people say that walking around the entire city 3 times takes only an hour.

Do: Walk around the city to see and through the colourful bustling markets filled with local and exotic fruits and vegetables where the scent of vanilla and fresh fish.

See: The only traffic signal in the entire island and the and the great silver town clock, a gift from England in 1903.

2. Aldabra:

Aldabra Atoll
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A 1000 kms south of Victoria lies the world’s second largest coral atoll in the Indian Ocean.  Way back in 1982, the whole atoll was designated by UNESCO for its rich biodiversity. And not for naught. The aquamarine and the sandy white beaches and lagoons are a home to a number of aquatic life: sharks, coconut crabs and manta ray’s, just to name a few. And the world’s second largest colony of giant tortoises (over 100,000) can be found on the island.

Do: Take a walk around the atoll on the shores of the beach, or take a hike on atop the coral and rock formations a little inside the shore.

See: Try to spot the coconut crabs which crawl onto the shore or are washed ashore by the waves. Cruises are available on the island to go all around the atoll. Tourists usually are encouraged to stand on deck to catch a glimpse of the aquatic life which sometimes swim near the top of the sea.

3. Vallée de Mai National Park

Vallée de Mai National Park
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A quick retreat for nature lovers and photographers, this pre-historic forest is preserved as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The trail through the forest lasts from 45 minutes (the easy route) or 2 hours.

Do: Explore the jungle or take the two hour long more elaborate hike. The canopy of trees provide a shade and look for the giant coco de mer fruit palm (unique to Seychelles).

See: Try to spot the many species of wizards and rare birds, which exist only in the Seychelles. Moreover, one can also spot the black parrot which is the national bird of Seychelles.

4. Cousine Island:

Cousine Island
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Established in 1968, the island is situated 2 km from Praslin Island, is a respite for birdwatchers and photographers.

Do: Hike up the trails of some of the rare species of animals found only in the Seychelles.

See: Look for some of the resident species of animals including the Seychelles brush warbler, the wedge-tailed shearwater, Seychelles magpie robin and the Seychelles turtledove. During nesting season, the reserve also serves as breeding grounds for the lesser noddies, fairy terns, and tropic birds.

5. Curieuse Island

Giant Tortoises are a common sight on the Curieuse island
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The russet coloured ground led this island to be called as the  Île Rouge. Once a leper colony, this island is accessible only by boat from  Praslin Island.

Do: Visit the leper colony and explore the ruins of the leprosarium on the south shore as well as the doctor’s house, a preserved national monument.

See: The island is  now home for breeding giant tortoises. It is common to see them walking freely on the sand dunes. The island is also covered with takamaka and casuarina trees and is the only place other than the Vallée de Mai National Park where giant coco de mer fruit palm grown naturally.

6. Baie Lazare:

Baie Lazare is a great honeymoon spot
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The enchanting little village on the southern tip of Mahe is known for it’s historic shore where, way back in the 1740s, French mariner Lazare Picault first laid claim to the Seychelles for France. And thus the name Baie Lazare. (Baie in Afrikaans means “beaucoup” in French which means “a lot” in English. I am not sure how that got added there.)

Do: One of the best places to honeymoon is Baie Lazare. The pristine white beaches and the drooping palm trees make it a wonderful romantic spot and an ideal place for newly-weds to spend time together.

See: The island of Baie Lazare has a rich history. The carved Gothic spires and frontispieces of one elegant church dedicated to Francis of Assisi is a symbol of European influence

7. Aride Island:

Aride Island
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This little speck of island just north of the Praslin island has caught the attention of naturalists and conservationists. Due to less human habitation and intervention over the centuries, the island remains less developed than the other islands of the archipelago.

Do: Take a walk around the island. And along the beach. Literally, that’s it. Just relax.

See: Some of the coconut trees from back when the island was a plantation still bloom and along with the glittering sands of Turtle beach, you can also see the rare blue pigeons and magpies.

8. Ste Anne National Marine Park:

Ste Anne National Marine Park
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Though it looks like Te Fiti from Moana, and prides itself on luxurious hotels, the real sights are under the water.

Do: Scuba diving, deep sea diving, boat rides.

See: Once you’re under the water, look for the supposed buried treasure and your guide will point out the different kinds of fish and other aquatic animals.

9. Beau Vallon:

Beau Vallon
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This is it. This is the one. The postcard image all postcard images are designed after. The red roofs of the various villas stand out in stark contrast to the pale white and the deep blue sea. This place is also easily accessible from the capital city, Victoria.

Do: Try out the international cuisines available at reasonable prices, including French and Indian cuisine.

See: There are a number of water-sports the island offers, including  deep-sea and scuba diving.

10. La Digue:

La Digue
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The island which provides a glimpse into the more traditional island lifestyle is the 4th largest in the archipelago. One can find the planet’s most striking beaches here, with granite outcrops lining the shores.

Do: Visit the L’Union Estate where visitors can take a horseback ride and visit the copra factory, vanilla plantation, and several old Creole houses. Locals also advise rock climbing and diving.

See: Take a hike through the  La Pass to Grand Anse Trail, which goes through the old French colonial houses, woodlands and marshes to the Grand Anse beach.

11. Mahe Island:

Mahe Island
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Mahe Island boasts to itself as the largest island of the archipelago with lush green forests and mountains. The capital city of Victoria is located on this island.

Do: Visit a few of the 65 beaches including the  Beau Vallon beach.

See: Take a local tourist guide and try to explore the forests for exotic flora and fauna.

12. Seychelles Natural History Museum

Seychelles Natural History Museum
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The Seychelles Natural History Museum in Victoria is one of the most famous and important tourist attractions on the entire island. It exhibits not only information and history about the island, but also environmental awareness and ways to preserve the nature and heritage.

Do: Take the tour of the exhibition of the flora and fauna and the geological history of the group of islands.

See: The museum itself. 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (Monday – Thursday); 8:30 am – 12 noon (Friday, Saturday); Sunday closed.

Characterized by its inspiring shorelines, laid-back vibe, and topaz waters, these places have become the ideal destination for couples seeking a place to romance. Blooming with colours of all kinds, the tropical wonderland is full of activities that will keep you entertained. From island hopping to horse riding to sleeping under the stars, this list includes all the quintessential things to do in Seychelles:

The top 20 romantic things to do in these famous islands in Seychelles:

1. Full Moon Massage 

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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One of the increasingly popular things couples do these days is to book for a romantic couples’ massage. At Seychelles, you can crank it up a bit by booking for a Full Moon Massage, which means you and your loved one will get the most soothing massage of your lifetime, right under the stars. The gentle touch and the sensual breeze will add to the amazing experience.

2. Candlelight Dinner

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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When was the last time, you had dinner with your loved one without any disturbances? Probably, a long time back. Throw your phones away and indulge in a romantic candlelight dinner together. Let the eyes do the talking!

3. Snorkelling

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Dive into the clear waters in Seychelles and start exploring the colorful underwater coral reefs that make up for a perfect setting. The waters are totally calm and if you are lucky, you could also find a pearl to gift your better half.

4. Private Island Stay

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Dotted with plenty of secluded islands, it is not difficult for you to book a stay in a private island. Make the entire island your home and start discussing your future with your partner, out in the open.

5. Drifting in a Yacht

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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If there is one romantic movie that everyone loves, it is Titanic. Try recreating the same magic by renting out a Yacht and drift away into the waters. Who knows, you could even do it better than Titanic!

6. Flying in a Helicopter

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Now shifting from Sea to Air, here is a chance for you to proclaim your love for your loved one to the entire island, loud and clear. Although, a bit on the expensive side, it is totally worth it and is one of the top romantic things to do in Seychelles.

7. Sipping Champagne during sunset

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Take a romantic stroll along the beach with your loved one, soaking in the calm experience, the warmth of the sand, and the sounds. Set a table along the shore, pop a bottle of champagne, and toast to the everlasting love you share.

8. Horse Riding

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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While taking a stroll along the shores of the beach is a unique experience, make it even more exciting by going on a horse ride. I bet your ‘hearts in love’ will beat faster than the horse!

9. Sleep under the stars

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Set up your bed right under the starry sky and sleep the way, it was intended to. Lose your senses, as the sea breeze sings the lullaby and the moonlight caresses you.

10. Explore Eden Island

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Referred to as the Man-made paradise on Earth, Eden Island is one of the best places in Seychelles to be in with your loved one. Step out of your rooms and start exploring the island to the fullest. Eden Island will definitely surprise you.

11. Stroll across Victoria Street

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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What’s more romantic than going on a stroll holding hand-in-hand, shopping? Inspired by British architecture, Victoria Street is one of the romantically laid-down places in Seychelles. Laden with souvenir shops to galleries to markets, there are plenty of options to keep you busy.

12. Chill out with Coconuts

romanctic things to do in Seychelles
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Interested in clicking photographs for your Instagram? Then, you should definitely check out Coco De Mer which grows only on Praslin Island. Huge in size, Coco De Mer is a unique type of coconut and right after you see them, you will surely light up. Chilling with the coconuts is one of the best romantic things to do in Seychelles.

13. Go on a Hike

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Blessed with a lot of accessible mountainous terrain, Seychelles is one of the ideal spots to go hiking. Get to the top for breathtaking views of the island and steal a romantic kiss as the sun fills the horizon with its crimson hue.

14. Unwind at the botanical gardens

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Take a visit to the Seychelles National Botanical Gardens and spend the time to understand each other and strike out romance as a couple.

15. Try your hands at fishing

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Get a boat and indulge in fishing in the waters. Incredibly fun and interesting, fishing can ease your stress levels and boost your romance.

16. Go for an Organic farm tour

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Bestowed with natural beauty all around, Seychelles is one of the ideal destinations to go exploring the farm. Booking a farm tour is very easy online and they also come with free culinary classes and a kit.

17. Get adventurous

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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If you are an adventurous couple, then indulging in adrenaline pumping activities is what you define romance as. While snorkelling & scuba diving are fun, for real deal do try out zip lining and skydiving. There are plenty of operators in Seychelles, who will make your experience hassle-free.

18. Drive around Mahe Islands

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Expansive in nature, Mahe Islands is one of the top destinations in Seychelles for the tourists to explore. And the best way to embrace the island to the fullest is to go on a drive around it, with love songs playing on the radio.

19. Get lost in nature

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Carpeted with a lush green cover, Seychelles provides an escape into nature like no other. Be ready to be smitten by the luscious beauty of Mother Nature.

20. Open Air Cinema

romantic things to do in Seychelles
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Watching your favourite movie with your loved one, beneath the shimmering skies? Romance will not get better than this. Discover all this with our Seychelles Honeymoon Packages and help us personalize your perfect trip!

Have queries regarding Seychelles? You’re not alone! Here’s a list of all the frequently asked questions by people visiting Seychelles:

How’s the weather in Seychelles?

The temperature in Seychelles usually fluctuates at around 26-28 degree celsius. Seychelles has tropical climate and hence and it stays warm all year round.

What’s the widely accepted currency in Seychelles?

EUR is the most widely accepted currency in Seychelles in addition to Forex cards. It would suffice to carry around 125 EUR per day per person. 

What is the capital of Seychelles?

Victoria is the capital of Seychelles.

Is Seychelles a country?

Seychelles is technically an island nation located in the Indian Ocean.

Which is the major international airport in Seychelles?

Victoria-Seychelles Airport is the major airport in Seychelles.

What’s the Seychelles visa process for Indians?

Indians can avail a visa on arrival for a stay of up to 30 days in Seychelles. The traveller needs a confirmed return ticket and proof of sufficient funds to avail the visa.

What are the highlights of Seychelles nightlife?

Seychelles being a secluded island have rather calm nights—which doesn’t mean Seychelles isn’t active at night, it’s just isn’t as intensive as Thailand or Bali. From offering beach outings to hosting music parties, Seychelles has a vibrant yet soothing nightlife.

What is the standard local time of Seychelles? 

The standard Seychelles time is UTC/GMT + 4.

Seychelles vs the Maldives. What to pick?

With both the destinations offering visa on arrival and both having equally breathtaking landscapes, it’s rather tough to choose one over the other. There are differences, of course—the Maldives costs relatively less, and Seychelles offers way more exotic cuisine and culture. It’s up to your needs, budget and the time of the year you’re travelling in.

Seychelles is one of those places on earth that are still in touch with nature. One can discover hundreds of things by choosing an attraction of your interest. Uncover Seychelles with Pickyourtrail’s Seychelle Trip Packages on your next holiday trip!

Top selling packages of Seychelles

Seychelles Family Tour Packages | Seychelles Budget Trip Packages | Seychelles Luxury Vacation Packages

Checkout more articles related to Seychelles

Natural History Museum in Seychelles | Palm Wine of Seychelles | Best Places to Explore on a Honeymoon in Seychelles | Places to Cycle in Seychelles | Best Cities in Seychelles | Places to View the Sunsets in Seychelles | Haunted Places in Seychelles | Waterfalls in Seychelles

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