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Written by Akshaya Devi on April 28, 2020 Share on

Simple ways you can make a difference in the coronavirus era

Now that the Great Barrier Reef is closed to tourists, conservationists are planting coral reefs to help the natural wonder heal while it self-isolates. In hindsight, at all these times we can’t travel, we can do something that counts, even if it isn’t as huge as planting corals in a world heritage site.

Anything can make a difference. If you feed a stray dog while you’re out buying groceries, you’ve made a friend for life. The granny you helped fix her network issues so she can facetime with her children abroad? She’s still raving about it. A small gesture, a small act of kindness will make this world a better place to live, at least for the ones you helped. And here you go —

Simple ways you can make a difference in the era of coronavirus


  • Unplug your home, which essentially means unplugging the electrical devices off the sockets when not in use.
  • Start grooming the backyard if you have gardenable space, or decorate your windowsill with herbal succulents or hanging plants. They not only keep boredom at bay but also add colours to your living room.
  • Start using environment-friendly products as a habit. For example, vinegar and baking soda can keep your home spot clean. No need for hard chemicals.


  • Check with your elderly neighbours and if possible, buy them groceries along with yours when you go out.
  • Keep food and water in the terrace for thirsty birds migrating in the scorching summer.
  • If you happen to find stray dogs and other animals, feed them by buying whatever that is available in the vicinity. Considering the world is under lockdown, it might be a while since their last meal.
  • Also, consider adopting a pet now. This is the best time. Studies reveal pets help reduce 40-50% of anxiety and stress in their owners.

Friends and family

  • Call your introvert friends and check if they are doing okay.
  • If you are staying away from family, make regular video calls to assure you’re doing fine.
  • Encourage especially the worried ones to stay positive, and ask them to reach out to mental health helplines if needed.

Digital world

  • Restrict the amount of news you consume and stay away from those that just spread negativity and panic.
  • Don’t trust all the forward messages you get and definitely don’t forward before cross-checking the facts.
  • Follow only trusted sources like WHO and CDC for lockdown-related information.
  • If at all possible, challenge yourself with a digital detox. Also, encourage your friends to do the same. Limited screen time may nudge you towards a long-lost hobby, who knows.

Also, don’t forget to take care of yourself…

  • Self-care is the crux of bringing forth any positive change in life. Start practising meditation for 10 minutes a day and gradually increase it.
  • Also, since work from home is the new norm, avoid burnout. Get up for a walk time and again, play with your pet, go to the terrace and soak up some sunlight, invite your colleagues for a virtual coffee break.
  • And finally —
  • Don’t beat yourself up for not being productive or not being able to optimize every minute of your life. This is a pandemic. Not a productivity race, and you’re okay.

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