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Thimpu Valley
Written by Rahul on May 13, 2020 Share on

A Guide to Thimphu, Bhutan’s Hidden Gem

Bhutan, being one of the best places to visit for the best climate, holds very interesting facts of its different cities. Each city of this country holds its own speciality. These cities are filled with rich histories and their architecture is also very famous. Out of this Thumpi is one of the famous city here in Bhutan. It was made the capital of Bhutan after the city Phunaka. It is situated in the west-central part of Bhutan. The city Thampu is the political and the economic centre of Bhutan. Thimpu is the fifth highest capital city in the world in altitude. This city is placed at 2,248 metres. Tourism is the main income of this city. But the government makes sure that it does not hinder the traditions and modernization of the city. This Guide to Thimpu will provide you with enough information to go through the city.

Sitting Buddha Statue at Thimpu (Guide to Thimpu)
Sitting Buddha Statue at Thimpu | P.C – Google Images

Interesting Facts about Thimpu (Guide to Thimpu)

Thimpu, being the capital of Bhutan, is one of the most visited cities in Bhutan. It is a well-built city with tourism as its major income. This city is seen with the blend of both traditions with the modernization. These wonderful things about the city will certainly have its own interesting facts that might amaze these readers. Let us look at the handful of them.

  • Bhutan does not have traffic signals for the most part of history. Bhutan has not accepted modernization that could change their tradition. It is the same situation in this city as well.
  • There are around 100,000 people there as residents of this city Thimpu. The total population of Bhutan totals to a population of 815,000.
  • Thimpu is the home of one of the most iconic statues in the world. It helms the largest sitting Buddha statue in the world.
  • In the National Library of Bhutan, it is the world’s largest book printed in the world. This was a photography book was by Michael Hawley from the United States.
  • There are 3 cinema halls that are found here. But foreign films are not screened here. If you wish to see any blockbusters then you will have to find someplace else to see the same.
  • Thimpu is a city where you will spot more stray dogs then cars. These dogs are called “Solar dogs” as they sleep through the day and from the streets during night time.

The Guide to Thimpu provides with all the specific information that you will need to visit while you are there.

Thimpu Province (Guide to Thimpu)
Thimpu Province | P.C – Google Images

The Ultimate Guide to Thimpu

Hold your eyes at the Buddha Dordenma Statue

One of the largest statues in the world and the largest Buddha statue in the world is the Buddha Dordenma statue. This statue is placed at the top of Kuenselphodrang Nature Park hill. The height of the statue is measured to be 51.5 metres. This bronze statue is the house of thousands of small bronze statues gilded with gold. The place where the huge bronze Buddha is the meditation where people come in to have some peace of mind. This is one of the most visited places by tourists around the world.

Buddha Dordenma Statue
Buddha Dordenma Statue | P.C – Google Images

Make your prayers come true at the National Memorial Chorten

Chorten stands for the meaning “Seat of faith”. The National Memorial Chorten is a place where mostly the elderly people go here to meditate and have peace of mind. This place is one of the most visible structures of the Thimpu city. This Chorten was built in the memory of the third king, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, during 1947. This Chorten is a place of daily worship for many people. Tourists entering into the Chorten should be extra careful about not disturbing the local’s who are meditating. People will sit through the wooden planks, get up and even repeat this. The calmness this place could give one and also the exotic architecture makes it one of the best pick in Thimpu.

National Memorial Chorten
National Memorial Chorten | P.C – Google Images

Explore the best of handmade crafts at the Authentic Handicraft Market

This is one of the most colourful lanes that could be seen in the world. This is the most favourite and the most visited places in Bhutan for all Shopaholics. Located below the Norzin Lam, is where you will spot the line of authentic huts which are the shops. This lane offers you a wide range of handicrafts which represent the Bhutanese art and crafts. You will be able to spot the women who are found weaving their own looms in the shop. You will be able to get anything like the bags, traditional attires, paintings which are made of bamboo. The most famous Traditional masks are also sold here. You will surely have a souvenir when you leave Bhutan if you visit the place. The authenticity of this place and the varies experience it gives makes it must visit place in Thimpu.

Authentic Handicraft Market Thimpu
Authentic Handicraft Market Thimpu | P.C – Google Images

Visit the Museum of the helm of folk culture The National Folk Heritage Museum

The museum which was created during the year 2001, gives you a peek at the traditional lifestyle of Bhutan. This holds the traditional rural household objects, tools and household objects that were typically used in Bhutan. The visitors of the museum get to introduce to set up a Bhutanese way of life by creating a rural setup. The restaurant inside this museum will provide you with the best Bhutanese cuisines. They have the traditional alcoholic drink served there. this is called the Ara.

The National Folk Heritage Museum
The National Folk Heritage Museum | P.C – Google Images

Best Time to Visit Thimpu

As Thimpu is surrounded by Himalayan range on all 4 sides. This makes the winters temperature sometimes plunging below 0 degrees. March to May is the best time to Visit Thimpu as the temperatures are moderate here as this is the summer season. Also from September to November is the next best season as tourists flood into Bhutan.

Travel around Thimpu

The city of Thimpu does not have any extended intercity bus network. Minibuses and Ply Buses run through the city. they run to the point of interest and even point to point. These are the only connecting modes between the city.

Ways to reach the city

Thimpu, being a very hilly region does not have an airport built in it. The closest airport to read the city is the Paro international airport. The international airline to Bhutan is the Durkair. For internal travel, you will be able to use the Durk air and the privately-owned Bhutan airline.

I hope this guide to Thimpu helps you on your next travel to Bhutan while to plans a trip. Make the best indulge in planning the vacation for you. Pickyourtrail offers you the best rates on customizable holiday packages. Our tour expert will help you in making the best Bhutan Holiday Packages for you. Do follow the website to read more fresh contents about travel.

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