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Gozo Island
Written by Hari Priya on October 25, 2020 Share on

Top tourist attractions on the island of Gozo

Gozo is an island that sits on the Mediterranean sea, Sicily, Italy. It is a beautiful island full of greenery, rolling hills, with small farms that leads to sandy beaches. Gozo is generally known for its sleepy ambience during the winter but comes to life during summer and festivals. Tourists visit the island for its picturesque coastline and sheltered beaches. Gozo is also known for its Neolithic Ġgantija Temple ruins, hiking trails, beaches, and scuba diving. The countryside also offers splendid scenic views and pathways, leading from gentle walks to beautiful hiking trails. You can take the ferry from Cirkewwa on the island of Malta, to reach Gozo. Visitors can also hop into buses and taxis to roam around the island. Have a look at the top tourist attractions on the island of Gozo.

Gozo island, Malta
Image Credits: Unsplash

Tourist attractions on the island of Gozo

  • Victoria- Medieval Hilltop City
  • Ggantija Temples
  • Ramla Bay- Best beach in Gozo
  • Baroque Church of Nadur

1. Victoria- Medieval Hilltop City

Victoria (also known as Ir- Rabat) is Gozo’s capital city, which is surrounded by sun-parched Mediterranean landscapes. The historic centre of Victoria which stands on the hilltop was constructed by the knights of Saint John, enclosed within the Citadel after the medieval walls were destroyed in 1551 by the Turks. Cathedral of the Assumption designed by Lorenzo Gafa, at the heart of the Citadel. The Cathedral also has a noticeable Virgin Mary statue which was created in Rome in 1897. However, the entire town comes together to celebrate Cathedral’s Feast Day on August 15th. The citadel includes various cultural attractions such as the Folklore Museum, which showcase traditional crafts, and costumes. Independence square, outside the Citadel, is a modern area with the streets are filled with vendors and shops. Victoria is one of the top tourist attractions on the island of Gozo.

Victoria, Gozo island, Malta
Image Credits: Pixabay

2. Ggantija Temples

Ggantija temples is a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage site. Also, it is one of the most impressive, and well-preserved archaeological temples on the Maltese islands. The prehistoric period dates to an early period of human life in 3600 BC to 3200 BC. These temples are believed to be the oldest freestanding monuments in the world, along with Ta Hagrat, and Korba in Malta. In addition, tourists enter the Ggantija temples through an Interpretation centre, a museum that displays various aspects of Neolithic life, that provides the context of understanding the temples.

Visitors take the pathway which provides amazing views of the surrounding countryside, to arrive at the temple site. The site was evacuated in 1826, but still has the remains of two temples, which is the most noteworthy element of the site. The temple features a terrace which would have been used for ceremonial rites, however, the stone hearths and animal bones found throughout the sight speaks of the ritual of animal sacrifice. This small village has a beautiful 19th-century church, and a pleasant main square lined with outdoor cafes. Pretty interesting, huh? And yes, the Ggantija temples are one of the top tourist attractions on the island of Gozo.

3. Ramla Bay- Best beach in Gozo

Ir Ramla- Il Hamra ( Ramla Bay) is the largest beach in Gozo island, which is surrounded by steep cliffs. Also, need a perfect place to relax? Well, you better choose this place. Unlike the other beaches in Gozo, Ramla Bay has a very wide shore, covered with fine red sand. The sea is gentle, calm, and shallow, which makes it ideal for swimming or snorkelling. Many visitors go to Ramla Bay just to sunbathe, and lounge under parasols. Ramla Bay also offers well-maintained facilities such as public bathrooms, changing rooms, shower area, umbrella and lounge chair rentals, snacks, and an ice cream stand.

A large statue in the middle of the beach is devoted to the Virgin Mary as Our lady of Hope. You will find Gozo buses that stop at the Ramla beach, but the most scenic route will be an 8km walk from Marsalforn. If you like a little bit of adventure, and hiking then you should definitely take the walking route. It is a moderately difficult hiking trail with hillsides and cliff tops (which could be very steep) that gives you splendid seaside views along the way. Therefore, Ramla Bay is one of the top tourist attractions on the island of Gozo.

Ramla Bay, Gozo
Image Credits: Pixabay

4. Baroque Church of Nadur

Surrounded by verdant valleys, that overlook the Mediterranean sea, the hilltop village was the watchpoint between the island of Malta and Gozo. Also, the name of the village came from the Maltese word which means “ To keep guard.” Ta’lsopu was built by the Knights in 1667 as a watchtower. The modern Ta’ Kenna Tower at the highest point in Nadur, offers panoramic views of the Gozo, and Malta islands. The village offers a lovely Parish church which was designed in lavish Baroque style and dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul.

It has some splendid interior features, beautiful ceiling paintings, and an airy dome with stained glass windows. Along the coastline are 3 lovely bays with excellent beaches. Gozo’s popular wide sand beach, at Ramla Bay, is just a few kilometers away. San Blas Bay which is just 2.5 km away is a pristine beach of red sand. However, the beach is only accessible by a narrow road and steep steps. Dalet Qorrot Bay has a small popular pebble beach with swimmers. Therefore, it is one of the top tourist attractions on the island of Gozo. 

Gozo island, Church
Image Credits: Pixabay

To conclude, Gozo is a beautiful island that offers lovely beaches, lakes, hiking, and Temple ruins and other monuments. It is a perfect place to have a relaxing vacation in an offbeat place. It also offers many sightseeing places, scenic views with a bit of adventures like water sport activities, and hiking. Look into the top tourist attractions on the island of Gozo for a splendid vacation. Check into Pickyourtrail for some amazing offers and deals. Also, do ping us in Whatsapp for any further details. Happy Vacation!

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