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Written by Ritu Johny on May 26, 2020 Share on

What Future Travel Looks Like in the Post-Covid Era


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As the world, more so the tourism industry, reels under the pathbreaking new normal, what does it mean for travellers? Experts in the industry predict retracing of roots and rediscovering hometowns in the near future of the travel realm. Here is a bird’s eye-view of how travel will be post-Covid.

Back to basics:

At least for the next 6-8 months, holidayers would be more comfortable vacationing in their home countries. This gives an added advantage of the ability to return home at the earliest, if things go awry. States like Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, most of North East and Ladakh (union territory) in India have reported incredibly less number of Covid19 cases.  


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Road trippin’ time:

Revving up vehicles for a long drive to a cosy locale will be back in vogue, encouraged by the safety tag attached to using one’s own vehicle. Enter: hair flying in the wind, precious playlists back on track. People are likely to opt for options within their home state initially, owing to restrictions on state borders. While you’re on the road, be prepared with an abundance of sanitisers, disinfectants, masks, food and drinks so as to minimise interaction with the outside world. 


Connecting with your loved ones staying in the vicinity of your home never felt so appealing! Anything to get out of the quarantine home mood, right? Local tourist attractions and leisure activities will see an uptick as people increasingly prefer unwinding sans air/train travel or an overnight stay at an unknown place. Not too far, yet not too close, will be the new mantra for a getaway!


On the other hand, for some, familiarity breeds contempt. There might be a few among us who, locked down with their family or friends, now desperately crave for a solitary sojourn! Seeking a break from familiar faces through a rejuvenating solocation would be their immediate goal post-pandemic! You can experience some of the best solo adventures at Ladakh for its rugged serenity, Varkala for its laid-back beaches, Hampi for its intricate architecture, Gangtok for its rich culture and Pondicherry for its artsy vibe! 

Into the wild:

As we all remain isolated at home and appreciate our gardens, backyards and balcony plants more than ever, the desire for raw, untainted nature is fiercer. Remote, offbeat spots that scream the beauty of the wild world will win over clichéd, crowded tourist haunts. Boutique hotels and eco-tourism will see a greater demand in all probability.

Touchless travel & bubbles:

After Australia and New Zealand kickstarted the Trans-Tasman travel bubble concept, other European countries have followed suit. Similarly, when India reopens for international travel, it’ll most probably be in a safe zone between neighbouring destinations which have flattened the curve. While Maldives is set to reveal its tourism plans on June 8th, Bhutan and Sri Lanka have largely been successful in containing the virus. Contactless fingerprint and document scanning, voice command, face and iris recognition to aid airport security formalities and hotel check-ins will define the post-Covid travel era.

The overhaul of the travel industry was unimaginable to the core. But, we are finding and we will discover more ways to manoeuvre this new world order. Let’s hope we get to see our loved ones, realise our solo adventures and travel more responsibly in the process. Till then, stay safe and follow @Pickyourtrail for the latest travel updates!


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