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Written by Janani on May 29, 2020 Share on

Baie Lazare Beach in Seychelles – A Memory for Life!

Strolling around the white sandy beaches with turquoise blue water, with the cool breeze hitting your face; holding the hands of your partner; watching the sun descend the golden sky – is often a scene we get to see only in movies. If you want to witness that beauty for real; feel that magic and cherish that memory for your lifetime; then make your way to Seychelles this year. This archipelago of 115 islands has lots to offer when it comes to a beach holiday. One of the most popular beaches in Seychelles is the Baie Lazare. Keep reading to know more about this beach.

Baie Lazare Beach

Baie Lazare, the moon-shaped, palm-fringed bay is one the cleanest, untouched, less crowded and kid-friendly beaches in Seychelles. The shallow waters of the beach make it a kid-friendly beach. You will be surprised to know that you can walk a long distance inside the water and the water does not get deep. All these make it an ideal place for swimming. Snorkelling and windsurfing are some of the activities that can be done here. 

Baize Lazare day
Source: Google Images

Baie Lazare Beach is situated near a Lagoon covered by corals. You can witness the beauty of corals by snorkelling here. The water isn’t shallow here and so, snorkelling is suitable even for first-timers. The gorgeous bright shades of the sand and water along with impressive granite formation as a backdrop makes it a brilliant place for photoshoots. There’s plenty of shade here to escape the blazing sun. All these make this beach an ideal picnic spot. 

Baie Lazare or the Lazare bay is named after a French explorer Lazare Picault, who discovered Mahe while investigating the whole of Seychelles. It is believed he landed here first. Some legends also extend saying the locals discovered some treasures of pirates in this island. Now, these treasures are placed in the museum. 

How to reach Baie Lazare?

Getting here is quite simple and easy. All you have to do is take a bus or ride a taxi. If you have rented your own private car, then you also have the privilege to drive all the way to the beach. Parking lots are available here, thus making it easily accessible and hassle-free from any location. 

Sunset at Baize Lazare
Source: Google Images

Best time to visit Baie Lazare

Any time is best when it comes to visiting Seychelles. However, swimming and snorkelling in Baize Lazare between June to October is not suggested. Baize Lazare experiences strong winds from during this time and hence entering the water is not suggested. 

Traveller Tips 

  • Carry reef shoes along with you, if you are planning to swim or snorkel in this beach. The sand at the bay has large amounts of spiky corals and rocks and so there are high chances of getting coral cuts. 
  • Watch the sunset from the Kempinski end. The view is spectacular from here.
  • The bay gets densely covered in seaweed, especially during the months of June – October. Snorkelling and swimming are highly not suggested, even if you are a certified diver. 

Baize Lazare is also known for the Valmer and Kempinski Seychelles Resort. These resorts reside in Baize, with spacious and elegantly decorated rooms, with modern furniture and splendid views. While visiting Baize Lazare, do visit the St. Francis Church and  Anse Gaulette Bay located in the same district.

For suggestions on places to visit like Seychelles, visit and don’t forget to check out the cool deals and amazing Seychelles packages available for Seychelles.

Let’s get started!

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