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Written by Buvaneshwari Gopinath on May 22, 2020 Share on

Things to Do in Port Mathurin: The Hidden Beauty of Mauritius in 2024

Clear blue water, colourful corals, fancy aquatic life, and beautiful marine, together it makes picturesque Mauritius. Mauritius is a year-round destination. Try visiting between the months of May to December to enjoy the best of the best weather. The weather here is cool and sunny making it the perfect time to chill on the beach without being sunburned. Situated little east of Madagascar in the Indian ocean, is Mauritius, a haven to all kinds of travellers.

Mauritius consists roughly of 16-20 islands and islets together. One such an island is the beautiful Rodrigues. Located about 600kms east away from the mainland is the Rodrigues island. Blissfully isolating itself far away from the regular crowds. The island said to be extremely peaceful. Being here, you might even feel you have stopped the time. Port Mathurin is the capital of the Rodrigues.

Ariel view of mauritius
Image source: Unsplash

The main harbour of Rodrigues is Pory Mathurin. The place gets its name from an early French settler. There are various attractions for tourists on the island.

Things to do at Port Mathurin

1. Saturday market

Local farmers and stores come together and organize a market on Saturdays. This place is as busy as it can ever get. This market is the best place to buy organic foods, souvenirs, and even a few rare imported goods. The place also has a wide collection of handicrafts made by the locals. The market starts around 10 AM right near the bridge. Be there to know what the big fuss is all about!

2. François Leguat Reserve

Islands are a great place to find different species of turtles and tortoises. Rodrigues had lots of turtles that you were never 100 steps away from one. Sadly, a particular species found it the island, after which the François Leguat Reserve was found to preserve these poor souls.

3. Grande Montagne Nature Reserve

One of the few remaining forest reserves is the Grande Montagne Nature Reserve. It said to be the summit of Rodrigues island. The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation has planted over 2,00,000 plants across the island to try and restore the ecosystem. The reserve also holds free guided walking tours during the weekend which lets you explore the wilderness of the island safe and sound.

Image Source: Unsplash

4. Trou d’Argent

A beautiful cove beach in Rodrigues that can be accessed only through walk is blissfully calm. Legend has it that a pirate once hid some treasure here. So get your hiking shoes on and try finding the hidden treasure.

5. Caverne Patate

Yet another cave-like system, calmly located little to the west of Rodrigues has stalagmite and stalactite formations. The cave also has a 700m tunnel perfecting a safe yet perfect spot for families to explore it.

Rodrigues has similar surroundings as Mauritius. Blue lagoons and the cold breezes make Rodrigues a perfect playground for everyone. Fly to Port Mathurin with Pickyourtrail and explore the diverse reefs and colourful flora and fauna. Book your honeymoon trip to Mauritius with our best Mauritius holiday packages from India today!

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