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Things ‘NOT' to do on your Europe vacation
Written by Arundhati Toshniwal on September 3, 2021 Share on

15 Things ‘NOT’ to do on your Europe Tour – Have Fun!

Exciting to have a blasting Europe vacation? This beautiful destination has a lot to give to you, from great monuments, natural landscapes, delicious food and amazing vibes. But before travelling anywhere, you should have the basic knowledge of what you can do or NOT do there because every place has its own ethics, culture and rules. So, scroll down and find out the 15 things ‘NOT’ to do on your Europe vacation.

15 Things ‘NOT’ to do on your Europe Vacation –

  1. Do not make much noise
  2. Do not litter
  3. Don’t beckon the waiter by waving
  4. Avoid jaywalking
  5. Do not use the bicycle lanes for walking
  6. Do not assume that everyone knows English
  7. Avoid the Nazi Salute when in Germany
  8. Do not wear shoes when entering someone’s house in Poland
  9. Avoid drinking in public places
  10. Do not over-tip
  11. Avoid taxis late at night
  12. Avoid feeding pigeons in Italy
  13. Do not go without a coin purse
  14. Don’t hurry with your food
  15. Do not be surprised to see naked people on television

1. Do not make much noise

Foreigners often dislike tourists who are being too loud or noisy in the quieter spots of Europe, especially rural areas and hold a bad reputation. You can be as loud as you want in nightclubs or bars and have a cheerful time; no one is going to judge you there!

Also read – 20 Best Winter Destinations in Europe – Chilling Vibes!

2. Do not litter

Visiting any country as a guest makes you responsible for your own country’s reputation. Several countries in Europe have strict rules regarding garbage control. In Germany, they follow a Pfand system, in which five to twenty-five cents are added to your receipt whenever you will buy plastic and glass bottles, cans, and then those are returned to another shop. It is a great initiative to keep the environment clean.

Things not to do on your Europe Vacation
Source – Pixabay

3. Don’t beckon the waiter by waving

Waving your hand, and asking a waiter to come to your table at cafes or restaurants (especially in France), is said to be disrespectful and impolite. Avoid waving and try other gestures like making eye contact or not waving but raising your hand. You will have to take care of some basic etiquette as you are a guest in some other country.

Also read – 10 Best Flea Markets in Europe – Wander and Explore!

4. Avoid jaywalking

Jaywalking means crossing roads without following the basic rules and regulations that do not follow the rules of traffic signals. Europe is a very strict country that follows many rules and regulations. Also, remember if you are caught jaywalking, you will have to pay a fine of approximately 5 EUR, or it may vary in each country. Be a responsible tourist and avoid getting into such messes.

zebra crossing, jaywalking
Source – Pixabay

5. Do not use the bicycle lanes for walking

Bicycles are one of the main ways of transportation in many European countries. As bicycles are economical, good for the environment and easily navigable, and Europe has well-connected bicycle lanes which help a lot of people to get to their workplace or school on time. These lanes are specifically meant for bicycles not walking as it could lead to major injuries, and it may also lead bicyclists to curse you for not following basic rules.

Also read – 15 Best Winter Festivals in Europe – Unleash the fun!

6. Do not assume that everyone knows English

Just like India has a lot of regional languages, Europe has many languages according to different regions. Also, after World War II, Europe has been divided into East and West, which has led to many linguistic and ethnic differences. Although English is the most spoken language around the globe, still many people don’t know English. While encountering people in public places, they may know English but still do not have high hopes!

Things not to do on your Europe Vacation
Source – Pixabay

7. Avoid the Nazi Salute when in Germany

It is one of the crucial things to keep in mind while travelling to Europe, especially in Germany. It is one of the most offensive acts you could do in Germany and disrespect them. The Nazi salute is a prohibited act, and never do it as a joke also. It may lead you to huge fines or a sentence to jail for five years or sending right back to your country, barred from ever returning to Germany. This is one of the 15 things ‘NOT’ to do on your Europe vacation.

Also read – Travel To Europe On A Budget

8. Do not wear shoes when entering someone’s house in Poland

Poland also follows the tradition of wearing home slippers or walking barefoot in their houses, like Indians. So, do remember if you are invited to someone’s house in Poland; do not go in with your shoes on as it would be very disrespectful and show insensitivity towards their social customs. Also, you might end up bringing a lot of dirt and dust, which would not look good.

Source – Pixabay

9. Avoid drinking in public places

Some European countries follow very strict rules of not drinking in public places, such as Poland. In places like Germany, drinking in public is totally legal. So, do take care about the rules of the particular country you will be visiting because if your actions are considered an offence, you will end up getting fined.

Also read – Top 10 National Parks In Europe You Must Visit And Explore!

10. Do not over-tip

Generally, in most countries, people leave at least 15 to 20 per cent of the bill as tips for the service provided by the waiters, but it is not the same in many European countries. It will be much better if you ask any local how much you should tip because as a traveller you should spend your money wisely.

Things not to do on your Europe Vacation
Source – Pixabay

11. Avoid taxis late at night

Although Europe has a facility of local taxi services, especially countries like England, France, and Switzerland, do have good local cab facilities but it might be difficult to find one in other countries. You can go for services such as LeCab, Uber, and more when you need to travel late at night. They are reliable and can be easily tracked if needed.

Also read – 10 Amazing Things To Do In Europe In Summer

12. Avoid feeding pigeons in Italy

Some places in Italy, like Venice, have banned feeding pigeons since 2008 and still are not allowed. If you are caught feeding pigeons, be ready to pay a fine. Excessive feeding can harm pigeons as they just don’t stop eating, and also can lead to the spread of disease among birds.

Avoid feeding pigeons in Italy
Source – Pixabay

13. Do not go without a coin purse

In Europe, money under 5 EUR is in the form of coins, and to make it easier for you, carry a coin purse. There are many small cafes, restaurants, or businesses which do not accept debit/credit card payments and only use transactions in cash.

14. Don’t hurry with your food

People in Europe, specifically the French people love enjoying their food and not rushing it. It is a good habit to enjoy small things patiently and not rushing on to other activities. People approximately take two hours to complete their dinner.

Things not to do on your Europe Vacation
Source – Pixabay

15. Do not be surprised to see naked people on television

Nudity or naked people or television is not a big deal in Europe. The culture from which it is derived is art and philosophy. People are very open-minded and do not restrict themselves in television, magazines or any other mass media!

So, here it is – “15 things ‘NOT’ to do on your Europe vacation”! Get completely ready to have a perfect trip now and enjoy your time in Europe. You can check out the Pickyourtrail website for some amazing deals in Europe Travel Packages or you can customise your itinerary on your own. Don’t let such ravishing deals go out of your hands! Travel and make memories!

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