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Air India
Written by Swathi on September 24, 2020 Share on

Are you ready to hop onto a flight with no final destination?

All said and done, hopping onboard an aircraft is a fun experience for many. It’s not just the excitement of reaching your destination, but the thrill of flying high above the white clouds. There is a lot of prestige associated with flight travel, but with the pandemic, all of this seems to be a faraway dream, right? Well, not anymore! Say hello to flights operated by Air India which will be flying to absolutely nowhere. Sounds fun? Fly along this blog to know more about this new venture.

The initiative by Air India

Qantas flight
Image source: Pixabay

The initiative itself is to start flights to nowhere. The start and endpoints of these flights will be the same airport and you will find the thrill of flying just like a joy ride. Have you always wanted to sit back and enjoy the scenic nature below you on a flight? This is your chance. Instead of worrying about reaching your final destination on time for that important commitment, take a deep breath and look at nature unfold itself at its best.

This is not something that Air India has come up with by itself, but other major airlines have also begun this initiative. Qantas Airways belonging to Australia had launched this initiative earlier and reports claim that tickets were sold out within 10 minutes. The flight offered by Qantas is about 7 hours long and covers the beautiful Great Barrier Reef. You can look forward to similar magical landscapes when you are onboard Air India flights.

What can you expect?

Air India flight
Image source: Unsplash

A Boeing 747 jumbo jet will be used for this joyride by Air India. Safety measures will be taken to ensure that the aircraft is flying at Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude. This will ensure that the aircraft does not crash into any buildings or other obstacles during the flight. But it will surely provide you with great views of attractions around the place you’ll be flying.

You’ll be quite surprised to know that apart from Australia and India, Singapore is also planning on introducing such flights which will take off and land in Changi Airport. You might also be entitled to limousine rides and shopping vouchers if you plan on taking this flight. Sounds cool, right? Just the thought of hopping onboard an aircraft and flying to absolutely nowhere is a thrill in itself. So why not experience it on Indian soil by taking up this flight to nowhere through Air India?

Also read: Check out these quirky videos airlines are using to promote in-flight safety!

As far as the Qantas flight in Australia is concerned, you will get to witness Sydney Harbour, Bondi Beach, Uluru and the majestic Great Barrier Reef. You will also be entitled to in-flight entertainment and a special celebrity will be hosting you throughout the flight. Alan Joyce, CEO of Qantas claimed, “It’s probably the fastest selling flight in Qantas history.” This is the perfect example of how safe travel has taken over the new normal. Hence, we at Pickyourtrail bring to you some exclusive staycation deals to choose from. Let’s all take a step forward to ensure that safe travel is a new trend.

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